Sunday, December 25, 2016

2016: Rock On- Years End Review

Hello Lightbeings ...HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

...its a Sunday morning and we're happy to be alive.

We couldn't leave you without sharing our holiday thoughts, year end wishes & positive love as we move towards wrapping  up 2016 & BRING IN THE NEW YEAR 2017!

Our year has truly been amazing, challenging, difficult, joyous, uplifting, thought-provoking, and blessed one.

We started off with a few goals to complete, in the midst of completing them we were thrown into a whirlwind filled with ups & downs of reality and living.   Yes,  we had a  few heartaches, setbacks, battles, hills to climb...but all were  filled with grace, love, and gratitude most of all.  Through it all, we never stop saying......... THANK YOU!

Image result for chakraAs the months rolled along from winter, into spring, we had our spring cleaning  of things to do. Much to our dismay what we thought was stable, became unstable, imbalanced, and unsure.  We never became complacent, comfortable or situated with staying in one spot. Luckily, with grace we adapted to CHANGE and moved ahead as always.

***Side note***
We had some and still experience some unwelcome visitors & energies.  These unwelcome  guests seem to come around 3am and 4a in the morning, with scratching, crawling sounds that sound like you guessed it.....rodents!

Now I'm not sure what this a sign of, maybe to overcome out fears, phobias, and anxities thats for sure or to make us more aware of our surroundings.

It has definitely made us STRONGER (what does not kill you, will definitely make you stronger)

Now as the summer months came along, our old world was slowing but surely become unhinged, unfastened, and unglued quickly.  We had to hit the ground running with some difficult moments.  It has all been a blessing to find positivity from and out of negativity.   

We got inspired, and thankfully encouraged and advised of a few things which helped us to change our course and shift our momentum into another direction, which helped greatly in a nick of time.  If we had not gotten the advice, motivation, counseling and blessing I think we would still be spinning our wheels at a lost cause. MOVE ON! MOVE ON!

Image result for angelsDid we mention how influential ANGELS have become to us. Yes, angels! We definitely have angels around us in some many ways.  They are playful, guiding, compassionate and loving.  Some  are here to make us heed warnings, to bring enlightenment and to show us how to love and become more tolerant, and compassionate of others.  We found ourselves communicating daily with our angels and their benefits are exceedingly important and critical! THANK YOU ANGELS

Because we were advised, we are here today to inspire, heal and love others more now than ever.  It is because  of our thoughts, intentions and patterns of dealing with reality we have now moved into a direction which is unfolding both as a gift, blessing and  service that has truly  been LIFE CHANGING!

The fall months, still brought about a toughness, a hectic transition, crazy moments, grueling hours of thought, work to act on our part.   Healing, growth, understanding with meditation it is very important to grasp. We learned alot from being humble, having gratitude, and appreciation from our divine creator.

Image result for enlightenment
We learned that simple thoughts that convey a positive meaning can and will help move you toward enlightenment and understanding, yet without them you will forever be doomed, into a world spiraling in negativity, darkness, chaos & ignorance.

It is with positive affirmations & thoughts we are now in our winter months cocooning, hibernating in for a long winter of learning, seeking and understanding what the new year holds and brings to us. December is here and almost gone as we write to you today!

Image result for time moving forward
At this moment, understanding our life path, and the roads taken to get here is immenient and foremost  at this time.  Time does not go back, it constantly moves forward.  We cant go back to yesterday, we can only be in the NOW, whether we accept this or not.  TIME DOES NOT WAIT!

As we remember so of the people we lost in 2017, a prayer, a candle, a moment of silence is rendered:

How ironic, that at this time of listening to Earth, Wind and Fire.  

Maurice White appears, famed musician who book  we just read this past November and his quiet death in February took us by surprise.

Muhmmad Ali- Cassius Clay..THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME in peace along with:  
Prince Nelson Rogers
David Bowie
Gene Wilder
Glen Armstrong
Image result for 2016Ron Glass
Florence Henderson
Gwen Ifil
Janet Reno
Tommy Ford
Gloria Naylor
Arnold Palmer
Bill Nunn...radioRAHEEM
Garry Marshall
Elie Wiesel
Pat Summit
Morley Safer
Patty Duke
Antoni Scallia
Abe Vigoda

And so Lightbeings  HAPPY HOLIDAYS, have a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!

We will be back shortly to bring you special news that nSeyah, LLC.  will be doing this coming April 2017!

Tune in during the new year to read all about it! Until next time!

of light & love,

nSeyah LLC.
Creating a Better Life

Sunday, December 4, 2016

the essence of nSeyah

Image result for glowing crystal rocks

Happy Holidays 2016!

Can you believe it?  Yes the new year is almost here.

Welcome back to our blog this December.  Its truly been an amazing time we're journeying on.

So let's begin.

I want to first convey to you that this blog is for those who have reached a spiritual fork in the road and would like to embrace a gift that has always been given to us.

It's not some mumbo-jumbo, wishy-washy pie in the sky belief, nor conviction or some voodoo, esoterical craziness.  But a true, authentic, divine tool that can be utilized for those who wish a better spiritual enlightenment and path.

Image result for crystal stonesI first encounter crystals back in 2000, when I was given an ivory frog from a coworker.  The gift was so beauty, rare, that I kept it in a special place.  From there I somehow I started holding on to some garnet stones ( which are my birth month astrological sign gems) in a pouch, along with of course a turquoise stone I got from my stepfather (who is now my divine angel, having passed away on my birthday January 16, 2005.) who gave it to me as a gift some year back.

As my collection of stones started to grow, I became interested in other stones.
Image result for crystal stones
From amethyst (which I love), to one of my most favorite one jade (this is truly my first love stone) in which I started wearing and embracing more and more, even as I gained interested in feng shui ( I love all things Japanese as well).

As I blog to you this  Sunday morning, I wanted to share with you the essence of who and what we are at nSeyah.

But I could not go on, until I provided you with a foundation of what its really all about and the  gift of service to heal we do!

As I take this moment to cultivate your interest in us.  Let me bring you to the concept that we have a special gift and we are meant to serve, heal and love others.

nSeyah, LLC. is designed to bring about a positive, enlightening, and constructive way of being able to heal your mind, body & soul.

Our essence is to heal, and with our service, we'll help to improve, enhance and inspire you to a better life.  

of light & love, 

nSeyah LLC. 
Creating a Better Life!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hello & Welcome to...

Greetings & Welcome!

We're sooooooooooooo very excited & definitely happy you've stopped by to read, catch up and uplift your day.

It's here where you will find a wealth of information about how to renew, transform and heal yourself in the most positive way.

Let us first begin with who & what is nSeyah?? 

Well first things first, our name is simply a branding of our business that will heal, transform and help you to create the best life.  If you are in need of spiritual love, blessings and healing, well you've found the right place at nSeyah!

If you are going through life struggles, chaos, drama that need cleansing,  renewal, uplifhting well you've found the right place at nSeyah!

If your life is out of balance, you feel out of touch with self, struggling to cope, needing a listening ear, a rebalance of purpose, and uplifting, well you've found the right place at nSeyah!

At nSeyah we specialize in crystal healing, chakra balancing, reiki therapy; combined with a spiritual energy meant to help you mind, body & soul.

We intend  to.......Uplift.Inspire & Enlighten you!

Our practice of holistic healing intergrates traditional and metaphysical therapies to restore, renew, and promote optimal health.

We offer private consultations, mobile-onsite appointment for you.  Go ahead make the call, move to a better life.

nSeyah LLC. 
Creating a Better Life!

of light & love,