Thursday, March 29, 2018

Full Moon '18: Walk in Faith

Image result for quartz on the beachGreetings Lightbeings!

Thokoza, which means to rejoice! (in Zulu).

Well we're almost ready to see another full moon on Saturday. March 31, 2018 @ 08:36 a.m. EST and it's been labeled "Sap",  and also a "Blue"  full moon due to the season  we're in.....Spring.

The farmers almanac tell us....the full Moon names dates back to Native Americans, of what is now the northern and eastern United States. 

The tribes kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full Moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred.

There was some variation in the full Moon names, but in general, the same ones were current throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior. According to the Farmers' Almanac, a "blue moon" is the third full moon in any period between either solstice and equinox, or between equinox and solstice. 

Owing to the rarity of a blue moon, the term "blue moon" is used colloquially to mean a rare event, as in the phrase "once in a blue moon",  as stated by wikipedia. 

And get this, there will not be another full "blue" moon until 2020.  Just some knowledge we wanted to share with ya!

Now back to our blog entitled...Walk in Faith.

How do you define faith?  Is a belief, a doctrine, a feeling, a dogma, a loyalty?

We like this definition......  a strong or unshakeable belief in something, esp without proof or evidence, and for our sake its simple!

Image result for faith
Faith for us these days has been an undeniable belief in a higher power, a divine oneness of spirit that guides us without us having proof, or witnessing its appearance to be real or true.

Without getting too deep or philosophical about the term, we just wanted to explore what consists of your faith.  Is  it in man's confidence, or the divine creator's?

Faith has many different meaning, to many people, and there are many different faiths in the world from  Islam, Chrisitianity, Hinduism, Buddhaism, Judiasm, and more that try to define what faith is.

Having a belief system can consist of faith, a faith of something that someone believes in true to help them navigate their spirit while living here on earth. 

There's time when we even call it having “blind” faith in someone, someplace or something. Having blind faith in a wrong, false or not at all real realty.  In this case having faith that is not validated nor substantiated in our being can often lead us astray and off our path.

As the sun rise, and sets and as the moon goes from first,  new, to full we have no control over the wonderous change our planet goes through. 

All we have is faith is that the earth  will rotate on its axis and spins and evolves 365 days a year.

Image result for faithTo have faith in the divine, the elements and phases of our galaxy and earth is amazing and very awesome.

 Just the like the changing of the seasons we must honor and accepts that it is inevitable for it to happen, and that by embracing it we can evolve into beings of knowing and understanding of life.

It seems like the more we ask for a desire or wish to happen that’s when our faith will be put to the test. 

Whether we truly are sincere in our asking and request to have this intention to be granted and to be happy is on us. 

This is where to walk in faith that your heart’s desires, requests, and wishes will become apparent and manifest themselves.
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To walk in faith, for us means somewhat a matter of letting go, to submit, and surrender to the divine, and that is hard when we so much want to be in control of all matters.

Walking in faith is having a certain truth in self, a certain honor and respect of  letting go and knowing that what we desire will become evident and real if we hold on to faith.

We hope that this full blue moon on 3/31/2108 you hold on to faith, that you walk in faith that will allow your dreams and goals to manifest and be true.

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Happy Spring '18

Hello Fellow LightBeings & Happy Spring 2018!

I know, I know we already did a springtime blog!  But we’re so happy and ready for this new season, we had to write again to convey  our excitement & how to stay inspired!

nSeyah is so happy and humble of the space we’re in these days. We’re developing some really inspirational content, products and services that will heal your mind, body & soul. We’re  getting ready soon to roll out the best for you!

Spring is a catalyst moment for us.  Its the season for cleaning and getting rid of the excess, removing the clutter, and rejuvenating our selves for a brighter, warmer season.  Letting go is essential!

Our  heart, mind and soul are navigating towards a better life, more motivating moment. We want so much for you to embrace life and celebrate the positive energy that’s  awaiting in all of us.  Whether dealing with life’s ups and downs, the main thing is to keep on moving no matter what!

Realizing that the stress and strife of living here on this planet, can often times depress, sadden, and fill us with anger and negativity.  Know that
we must not give up!

So remember to take some quality time, whether
writing, traveling, singing, dancing, learning, meditating become active.  You gotta make time for self to restore your equilibrium, your psyche and spirit. We get so caught up in the fantasy, the chaos, the emotions, and  craziness, that we forget to spend time with self, to listen to self, to honour self, and most of all love self! 

Its so important now to regain what’s been on the backburner, on hold, buried beneath the snow and  under the ground, to dig up and away and be free.

As we march into this spring 2018 remember to continue to find and spend time with self to hear your inner most thoughts and heal.

Find moments of gratitude, moments of love, moments of serenity to be happy and healthy.

Spring is  here!


of light and love,

nSeyah, LLC.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Equinox: Move Forward '18

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Hello Fellow LightBeings,

Welcome to Spring!  

Yes, today is the first day of Spring 2018!

Hope your winter months were relaxing, hibernating, and tranquil.  We did a lot these past few months, and we are so excited about Sping and the changing of the season, especially the warmer weather coming on board.

As the first day of spring, we have alot of new goals and new opportunities we'd like to pursue. What do you have in stored for yourself?

We hope you first that the time to heal & love self as priority.  You can never love, heal and uplift your mind,  body & soul definitely during springtime. Its vital to heal, cleanse, rejuvenate and take some time to recalibrate especially from the cold, the winter and snow.
We're planning and working on nSeyah's debut, from designing and creating our website and webpage to putting some new stuff  online via blog with news, events featuring our crystal, reiki, and phytotherapy products and services.  

Image result for crystals on the beachIn our crystal corner, we’ve been creating some vibrant, new wearable bracelets, that are so trendy,  authentic and useful in dealing with a wide range of emotions (.e. depression, clarity, prosperity, etc. )

In our reiki area we're enhancing our energy  towards continual healing, uplifting our vibration, EFT, and tapping as methods of  restoration of the mind, body & soul. 

And in our phytotherapy  section, also known as herbal medicine, we’re jumpstarting all of our favorite  herbal tinctures, decoctions, and remedies that will  rejuvenate your whole being.  We're even creating bath salts, essential oils, and sprays using rosemary, jasmine, cinnamon,juniper berries, lavendar, anise seeds, chamomile, rose, and so much more.

As we explore and embrace our Traditional Healing Art as to help  others to be motivated, inspired to a essential, vital positive level.

nSeyah, is a Traditional Healing company set out to bring harmony, tranquility and balance most of all.

Traditional Healers have long been known throughout Africa, and some parts of North America.  From the Mayans, The native Americans, South African tribes healing goes back far and wide.

nSeyah is set and determined to help humanity by  offering  important  products and services that will allow healing, restoration, and uplifting of the mind, body & soul - from the inside to the outside.

Spring time allows the time for us to shed the old, the dark, the heavy elements we have carried, and succumb for several months.  During spring do not forget to regain a fresh, new, cultivating spirit, posture, and attitude in order to move on and flourish.

We're so excited about spring, a moment of rebirth, regrowth in all we do. Flowers blooming, sun shining, temperatures warming. Make sure you take this time to do all the above. 

As we conclude this 1st  day of Spring blog, we want to leave you with a technique sure to help make you feel better.

Known as tapping- try it!
  • Start at the top of the head. Tap with all four fingers on both hands. Next
  • The inner edges of the eyebrows, closest to the bridge of the nose. Use two fingers. Next
  • The hard area between the eye and the temple. Use two fingers.  Be gentle
  • Next.The hard area under the eye, that merges with the cheekbone. Use two fingers, in line beneath the pupil.
  • Next. The point centered between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip. Use two fingers.
  • Next. This point is right beneath the previous one, and is centered between the bottom of the lower lip and the chin. Do your throat!
  • Almost there. Tap just below the hard ridge of your collarbone with four fingers.
  • On your side, about four inches beneath the armpit. Use four fingers.
  • Now take  three deep breath!

of light & love ( R.I.P. & happy birthday KRB 3/20/18)

nSeyah, LLC.