Monday, December 31, 2018

YEARS END : 2nd edition 2018

Hey Fellow Light Beings,
Image result for 2018 news in review
We couldnt resist the seizing of the moment now, that we no doubt  are on and popping for the new year 2019.

We just wanted to say ...stay  tuned for some more insightful, provocative- out of the box thinking.  Why not?

These moments are to the viewed as a learning lesson, some will undersatnd and savor, others will never know. Moments of realizing it could be worst, yet not pondering on the negativity.

So why, take the chance, move beyond the dimensions, the limits and boundaries we set for ourselves.  It makes no difference if it the best, moving beyond is the measure we must navigate on.

As we roll this month on to a new calendar month, alot of goals, setting tasks to be accomplished and completed must all be noteworthy.

Image result for 2018 newsDo not forget to take time to breathe, to find some solace amongst anture, the trees to say the least.

The onset of craziness that did in fact prevail this society and on this earth,  along with the

#me too campaigns
Image result for memoriam 2018
 with negative beahvior of people, places and things

to the many passings of legends we cherish along the way, and that transitioned on. Both the infamous, the creative, the queen, and more! They will live on in this dimension remember for their trails of talents.

The love ones  we will never ever, forever forget,  AEU even amongst our own-!

Also with the celestial events  that have been occuring , full moon-  moon phase changes;  to the many eclipses we've undergo,  through evolving hopefully we are becoming more enlightened

Tells us  some of the wonderous tasks you accomplised in 2018 and some positive intentions you
anticipate to  manifest in the new year.

We must not only sawy, speak, but also do to accomplish the feat.  To not wallow in the misery, low-frequency ebbs and vibes we all cruise on.  But to raise you frequency and vibes is truly essential.

In conclusion  we here at nSeyah are wishing you much peace and blessings you can envision.

We are also hoping positive energy with  continued prosperity, health wealth & peace.

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC

PS- check out our sister family blogspot  @n a creative lifestyle branding company filled with wellness items and more!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Solistice '18 Ready to Release w/ Full Moon FX - Years End Note

Hello Fellow  Light Beings & friends, 

We hope you’re settling in for a long winter’s hibernation…lol (ok a winters rest)

We were in the midst of understanding what's in store for the full moon, and to savor this winter's  solistice all occuring simultaneously on this earth.

Now whats's  this all about?

sol.stice  (sōl′stĭs, sŏl′-, sôl′-); a noun.  

Wikipedia defines it as  a moment in which the  winter solstice (or hibernal solstice), also known as midwinter, occurs when one of the Earth's poles has its maximum tilt away from the Sun.

And the winter solstice is the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, when the sun is at its lowest daily maximum elevation in the sky. At the pole, there is continuous darkness or twilight around the winter solstice. 

Our winter solstice arrives on Friday, December 21, at 5:23 pm EST.  Coincidentally, December’s full Moon—the Full Cold Moon—will also appear on the night of the 21st, though it will not be at its absolute peak until the next day.  (Believe it or not, the next full Moon to actually peak on the winter solstice won’t be until 2094!)

Our take:
Let this Winter inspires both joy and happiness.  

Some people can’t wait for the cooler weather, snow, skiing and ice skating, curling up by a fire, and the holiday spirit. You’ll notice a peaceful, solemn moments now - a sort of silence when you walk through the woods—a muffled kind of quietness. 

Other people dislike the frigid temperatures, blizzards, and wild weather we also expereince. In colder regions, winter often means shoveling, snowblowing, dealing with bad roads, and sometimes unbearable temperatures. In warmer regions, the winter temperatures become very mild or cool, and places such as Florida fill up with people escaping the harshness of a northern winter.

Can someone say fireplace? Either way, the moment of season, this  season is to bring a calm, stillness in order to let go, and release.

We  are taking these moments, these experiences  in  finding solace and peace.  Yes, this solistice offers us relaxing, renewing times to step back and savor the season,

The Full Moon in Gemini  will bring energy  to allow us to let go & manifest a  new reality.  Ok, release, let it go!
The full moon's arrival  fully 12/22/2018,  with a full bright, ambient moonglow that shine with a bold contrast of  to .....let go.  
No doubt, we're  ready to change our reality! The full moon this December  2018 reigns as the last one for 2018, culminating a long year of activity and goals accomplished, we are proud of.
Simply stated...
"This powerful FullMoon remains intensely lit & will continue influencing our Enrgy for at least a few more days in December.  We may ind we're still stuggling to sleep deeply, but feel highly charged, awake & alert.  This is because it is now time to begin.  It is vital to let goof anything toxic from 2018 (yes, that means that stagnant relationship, dull end job, etc.) Release painful memories, bad habits & unhealthy relationships.  Rest up, set poweful new intentions & get ready, set, go to see a beautiful, positive, new beginning rapidly manifesting."
The full moon, coinciding with the winster solistice of 2018 in December  is very special.  

The winter's night skies, filled with the bold Venus star, and the other sparkling radiances of light all show a  much auspicious moment to reflect to heal, love and find joy.
Image result for winter solstice
What does winter mean to you? How will you wrap up the days in December and incite happiness for this winter season- mind, body & soul.
Ok, at least  for us making the time to empower, enlighten and  reflect  on those goals  we have established, performed  and realized throughout the months is our purpose.  The year’s end reflection consisted of many, various experiences that allow for growth, to evolve  into a  better self. Living the best life, as we move forward.

So many times, throughout the days we’ve been  rushimg  through, seeking the superficial, lacking authenticity of life distractions.  Rather then really becoming aware of the surroundigns, the moment, the time to take a  step to be better, yet instead we wallow in the struggle of not doing and not knowing  to do and be better.

And so  yes,  we have a lot to be grateful for, the gratitude continues to inspire us all no matter what. Which we hope brings compassion, love, patience and tolerance during this time of year. The memories of past, present and future creeps amongst us all, the coldness allows the experience to better motivate and guide to creating a better reality.  The  inspiration is gotta comes from somewhere? but where?

Image result for winter solsticeIn conlcusion, remember to celebrate the miracles, the blessings and gifts we enjoyed throughout the year.  It should not be said that it is not just the christmas effect of shopping, spending, running errands try to realize the lights and spirits.  Its the joy and love that is absolutely essential now, and even as we move into the next year.

We do  hope that this blog has been  filled with inspiration and motivation over the past few months.  We hope that you truly enjoy  this solistice, and the moon phases & energy to  uplift, enlighten, and bring peace & harmony. 

 of light & love always,

PS- hey friends.... check is out at www.anjalilife & catch our blog spot at  right here on Google for 2019!

nSeyahh, LLC.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Wishing a Peaceful & Positve Holiday 2018!

Related image Hello Fellow Lighbeings!

As we swirl and move forward this season, we're hoping for a productive and relaxing holiday! 

This is the time for more inner reflective thoughts, and reflection of goals and challenges we've accomplished.  With all the fanfare, twinkling lights, musical events, on-the go things and daily occurrences- we can not forget to recall our world and how to become a better human being now.  

Related imageEach tasks, episodes, experiences of living and breathing here on Earth yields moments to learn. Enlightenment, not only  with gratitude, yet being thankful  is desirable as well.  

We are  all filled with a duality of life, the light and the dark, the ups and the downs, the positve and the negatives are something we all must accept, embrace, and understand.

The 11.11.18 and 11.22.18, activity; and the full beaver moon evloving in   a not so auspicious  cycle for some, brings about the change, as catalyst that will move forward whether we want  it to or not.

Image result for holiday stressAnd the holidays fast aproached us, there are moments that  will  create unknowking and knowing energies  that can be counter-productive  to our lifestyle. There are times  that when  getting off the matrix-carousel is advangeous, stay on will only deplete you from your purpose.  If daily  gratitude, thoughtful works are given than  a harmoniuous balance is to be achieved.

Yes, its very essential during this time and throughout the holidays to rest, relax, and re-balance self  as optimal, and beneficial to all of us; something so simple is in fact hard to do for others.  Try!

Our thoughts can be manifested by our words.  To fully visualize and realize we can manifest what we desire is an absolute rite in itself. Our words, our thoughts all coincide to transform or prevent us from our best life.

How do we do this?  How do we focus to attain that best self?

First, spend as much time  as possible in nature, around trees .

Next, sun gaze is natural, and easy for as little as 5-10 minutes of fresh, natural, vitamin D energy sun looking is  simplistic as it comes.

Our next tip is of course, eating fruits and vegetables, limiting white flour, sugar, and chemicals that keep us from propelling a active lifestyle.  Alkaline water and no flouride water, alomg the omega three fish, tomatoes, and herbs that helps us feel better is essential.

Image result for holiday stressWhich leads us into physical routine, exercise and movements that promote good health.  A twenty-minute walk helps the lungs and heart recailbrate each day.  We spend so much time in our vehicles, that we forget to walk which is cheap and free that helps a cognitive memory,  body flow and strength that is priceless.

Finally, meditation & prayer  can also be effective methods to relieve stress; by not hesitating to discontinue habits, traits, and patterns that keep us being our best self for today and always.

In conclusion, nSeyah wishing you positive vibes during this holiday season.  Take care of self,  learn, laugh & love!

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.