Saturday, December 9, 2017

2017...Closing Thoughts

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Hello Fellow Lightbeings,

We're just stopping by to share with  you our  thoughts, news and updates here with nSeyah.

Let's begin...

Our summer was hot, humid & very challenging to say the least.  We had an awesome planetary experience culminating in August with both a lunar eclipse 8/7 and a solar eclipse 8/21 that left a profound effects here on Earth. Take a look!

Image result for eclipse 8/7lunar     Image result for eclipse 8/20 solar

The light of the sun represents life and energy. The sun is most closely associated with the self, personality, and ego, and what it is that makes you unique. It's also been said to foster creative ability and provide people with the power to meet the challenges of everyday life. Many people believe that the rare occurrence of a solar eclipse has psychological effects on humans.There are reports of increased agitation, unusual dreams, sudden bursts of creativity, and even relationship difficulties during a solar eclipse.

How did you fare?

We were amazed with the viewing and enjoy the moment to witness such a great view.

Next, we became enlightened with our DNA imprints.

Did you know that you had an ancestral tree in the oldest part of your brain? And that its roots go deep down into the base of your spine? Anchored into your ‘sacred bone’. What is often referred to as ‘the reptilian brain’ may be the wisest part of us. It’s the part that controls vital yet unconscious physiological functions. The hindbrain coordinates activities that are fundamental to survival, including the respiratory rhythm, motor activity, sleep, and wakefulness, and chemical production.
No wonder detrimental patterns so easily get passed down the family line. They are literally built-in. Fortunately crystals can assist us in rebooting these programs. I’ve blogged before about karmic clearing, and mentioned the ancestral line but, for the last year, it has been ancestral healing that has been uppermost in my mind. Especially with the arrival of Ancestralite, Cradle of Life (Humankind) and the Freedom Stone in addition to Celtic Healer Quartz. Excellent stones for transmuting the past and sending revitalised energy out to future generations. The new book, out later in 2017, will share techniques for dissolving intergenerational trauma in greater detail, but if you can’t wait, see below for a quick, first aid method.
Not just physical DNA, it includes subtle energetic DNA and an energetic web encompassing past, present and future – and beyond. The ancestral line carries your family history. The beliefs, experiences, dramas, traumas, dominant emotions and assigned roles that stretch back into eternity. Lineage breakers incarnate to break the chain and start a new trend.

In conclusion, the imprints we have can make a difference.  Our souls have been around for eons in order for us to heal and grown on earth.  

How we leave our legacy, our blueprint is up to us, some leave with negative energy, while others bring light and love.

Which will you imprint us with?

We hope your 2017 ends with positive energy, love, peace & joy!

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

Year's End Message 2017: Awoke

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Greetings Fellow Lightbeings,

We wanted to round-out the year with our end of the year blog filled with thoughts & comments to inspire and bring both of  love & light to you.

Let's begin!

May peace enter your days and  is filled with happiness to all.

Yes, as the year's end on many different levels we have to be challenged and visualize to do more and want more.

Each day as it challenges us, we visualize, only hopes of contention being accepted.  We angst  amongst the moments of exploring and being authentic with self.  In the both the positive, struggling and unforgettable moments to say the least here dwelling on Earth.  Gratitude is  key, we must embrace and center self with courage, perserverance, determination to move forward no matter what.

At times we are not ready to face and identify  with those lessons that need our immediate attention, whether love, acceptance, denial, procrastination, tolerance or forgiveness, all  of our emotions that  surround our being requires a daily prayer and meditation for balance, restoration and fulfillment to be given.

Our purpose here on earth is to learn from past life experiences, to understand the past covenants made  with our divine spirit,  in order grow and evolve on this plane and dimension. Seeking both the light and love is key.  To heal thyself is very relevant.  Seeking both the light and love is key.  

It both fascinating and amazing to know that we have all the healing mechanisms in us to share with others, yet the perceptions  enters and our discernment, viewpoints, etc.  becomes negative and unproductive.

Our healing  strength is divine and yes, of course its in everyone of us. The only  understanding thought is to embrace life’s journey.  The accept, embrace and understand the struggles that exists between the human being and spiritual self.

This  journey is no sugar-coated,  candy-filled sweetness of honeydew that lives in the fantasy, materialistic maze we swirl in.  Its a realistic process of riding on a path we have designed in our DNA ties that bind.

As we reflect back on the year 2017, its been filled with valuable lessons for all of us to learn.   The self searches for love, strength, value, worth, harmony and  yes, goodness.  Note that a continual cycle of rebirth and restore is necessary to elevate our being, our core.

The year-end's mission has been one of  change, candor, lifting of the veil, enlightenment,  shift that not only carries, its moving forward.

Remember to stay awoke in our psyche, our thought-provoking consciousness, and evolutionary self , a energy that is of light and love! 

Have a peaceful & prosperous season, stay safe and have a happy season.

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

(12/8/17 @ 7:14 a.m.)actual 12/9/17 @ 16:47pm

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Skillpath Teach & Learn Day @ DCPL

Hello Fellow Lightbeings,

Yes, its been a spring moment since we last chimed in to give you the 411 on all the latest happenings with us at nSeyah.

Well to begin with we had a great receptive audience on Sat., April 28th, 2017 at the Dekalb COunty Public Library Sue Kellogg Branch.

Our skillpath class entiled Crystal COnnection & You was a hit!

See above for our agewnda that day which was filled with comments, discussion, and even fun time with a find-a-word puzzle. Our guest Debra was the first to complete her puzzle to when a giveway prize of a Clear Quartz to keep & treasure.

As we started, we watch a video and heard positive words from Judy Hall,  an expert, author and renowned counselor on the subject of crystals, crystal healing and more! Watch this video....

Next after her video, nSeyah presented a  powerpoint presentation entitled Crystal Connection, which was very informative, enlightening, and fun.  The presentation covered various topics  from  the history, shapes, and properties, to the benefits of using crystals in your day-to-day living. Take a peek...

All-in-all the our class attendees & guests were very  attentive, enjoyable and learned alot.  Our surveys we provided indicated a fun time!

As we conclude, we hope you have a great SPRING BREAK 2017, learn, share and enjoy!

of light & love, 

nSeyah, LLC. 

Creating a Better Life!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Its Spring 2017...............yay!

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Happy Springtime!     Happy Springtime!     Happy Springtime!

Hello Lightbeings & Happy Springtime 2017!

Yes, we hope you're excited and ready for the spring season.  We're ready & looking forward to it!

Lets get we've recovered from the cold, dark, hibernating months this winter Brrrrrrrrrr and we're off to a great started. Its getting warmer, and more daylight hours so we can do more, create more and enjoy more.

We are in the midst of planning and creating our new event which is about to happen soon. Yes, we're giving  you and others an opportunity to explore and learn more all about Crystals.

Our passion of teaching will be enhanced, and our happiness will spread with  joy, excitement, and discovery  as we embark on our journey to share this coming April. Her'e's a sneak peak!

Check this out:

DeKalb County Public Library

Crystal Connection and You, Presenter: Yvette Mashburn
Date:Saturday, April 29, 2017, 10:30 AM—12:00 PM
Event Type:Classes
Age Group:Adult (18+)
Learn about the history, types, uses, and benefits of gemstones and crystals. Class limit 10. To register, call 770.413.2020.

Yes, our very first class on Crystal Gemstones will be brought to the Dekalb community and to explore and enjoy!

 We are truly excited and amazed. So tell your friends of this event!

We will keep you posted on other news as it becomes available, until then stay tuned.

of light & love, 

nSeyah, LLC. 
Creating a Better Life!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

...Can You Name My Gemstones ???....

Greetings Lightbeings!

Its Hump Day Wednesday 2017, and we just wanted to check in with ya to see how goes it?....

Its been an exasperating January to say the least.  The New Year is off and kicking (or shall we say off & running).

Here's a fun moment....
Can you guess the stones I have in my hand today?

Guess....the first two  (or shall I say one, because  two are the same, the other is different).

I picked up them last year in Locus Grove, GA at a antique fair 2016. I was drawn to visit the place because it was one of the places that bragged about raw, uncut crystal gemstones.  So I drove some 40 miles South I-75 to take a look around that day.  I was one of the first people in the vending booth, so I decided to take my time, splurge and enjoy the day.  I did!

After browsing around for a couple hours, I finally came my 3 choices of stones I wanted to buy that day. I got a Lepidolite w/ mica, which calms you,  and a unique Dipotase that sparkle of shimmering green and the other two above.

Guessed it?.................................Healer's Gold! Yep, now the stones attracted me for many reasons.  But now after reading the benefits I truly enjoy them alot today, along with the other one I'm holding!

Hearlers Gold benefits all chakras, stimulates weak chakras, grounds high frequency energies in our body, balances the male and female sides of our body,  protects healers and prevents them from feeling drained, grounds “light” into our bodies and energy field.

Did you guess the other one?........................Watermelon Tourmaline.  

Watermelon Tourmaline belongs to a group called Elbaite, which is a member of the Tourmaline family. Watermelon Tourmaline works with the Heart chakra, cleansing and removing blockages. As a balancing stone, Watermelon Tourmaline aids in removing insecurities. As a balancing stone, Watermelon Tourmaline functions as a combination of male and female energies, both Yin and Yang together in one crystal. It can help to inspire both creativity and practicality, and connects the Heart Chakra to both physical and spiritual vibrations. Watermelon Tourmaline calms overactive emotions. 

So there you have it...go make it a great day today!

of light & love, 
nSeyah, LLC.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday Solace - Reiki 2017

Greetings LightBeings!

Its Sunday and we're especially happy & grateful today,...and how are you?

You must remember that...

Just for today, do not be angry
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, be grateful
Just for today, work hard
Just for today, be kind to others.

Sunday, is always filled with so much reflection, peace & serenity for us.  And so we're still being diligently being & staying on our path. 

Now this journey is not for the light at heart, nor for the weary or those that give up easily.  

For you truly must know that to  be on your path, you must be true, you must be devout, steadfast, patient, humble, resilient, persevere no matter what, quiet to know, & accept and ready!

Yes, ready to move on forward.

For time waits for no one.  We came across a passage last week that stuck with us...

"Things take time, impatience is the refusal  to honor time!" We thought how so oh true this statement is.  For one thing you can not buy back or keep from moving on is.............TIME!

Since our attunement last week 1/15/17 @ 7am our journey has kept us moving on., but realizing to live & be in the NOW.   We also participated in a group REIKI healing session with some of our facebook friends on Wednesday  last week @ 8p and the moment was AWESOME.  

Reiki is something thats in everyone one. For some its easy to channel, for others its difficult to sense I guess because we all want to visually be able to tangibly grab and know its there.  The truth is that the invisible, intangible essence is where it lies and has the most power!

The essence of creative visualization, meditation, prayer are all the formulas that will elevate your gifts and reiki being are important.

Now that we're moving on to our master level II of our Reiki online course; were thrilled with all the learning & growth its presenting to us.  

We'll be back shortly to keep you up to date of what's happening until then.

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Rainbows & Attunement 2017

Hello Lightbeings!

Yes its Sunday!  We absolutely love Sundays, something about the love, the light and inspiration we get from sunday mornings ( along with listening to Earth Wind & Fire sings Oooooo SUnday morning) .....its AMAZING!

We had a special moment this morning.......our Reiki Attunement!

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was it awesome!!!!!

At 7:03 a.m. EST we were inspired and motivated to receive a reiki healing that was much needed and given to us!

It started quite chaotic, with ambulance, police sirens going on & on throughout the neighbor and on the streets.  The noise both hectic & overwhelming for anyone not use to quieting themselves down. Nevertheless we stayed calmed, relaxed and meditated through it all.

The other noises we observed and experienced:

  • Stomach gurgles
  • Chime bell ring
Not sure what it all meant, but as we layed quietly and intently on our living room sofa, we remained in touch and in the present moment of our mind, body & soul. Easing the thoughts, the worries, the extraneous junk that bombards our live on a daily basis.

 After  30 minutes, upon opening our eyes, and sitting up,  we lit a purple candle for healing, an incense, and as always our white light candle was still enduring with us through the night & with us during our attunement.

What an amazing time to go through a reiki experience, just one day prior to our 52nd birthday!  It was much needed and appreciated.......thank you!

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Now at 4pm while sitting in the library, and working on our crystal healing class we will be presenting this coming April 2017 ( stay tun for more news on that!), we saw an beautiful rainbow in the sky.......................FABULOUS!

Also 11:11 appeared along with 11 showing frequently for us today and I'm happy to speaking & in contact with my angelic beings.  My angels love to laugh and play with, and although they do not reveal themselves others than through light, laughter and other ways which are loving & blessed...they are welcomed and appreciated.  My angels who were with me this passed week, upon a slip & fall, saved what could have been a very bad experience for me.  WE ARE BLESSED  & alright other than a few sprains, aches & pains!  THANK YOU DIVINE CREATOR for your protection!

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And so, as we go into our birthday tomorrow- Monday, January 16, 2017.  We are blessed to see yet another year.  This year our intention is to follow our SPIRITUAL PATH.

Recalling the reiki preamble of JUST FOR TODAY is  most relevant at this safe!

of  light & love,

nSeyah LLC.
Creating a Better Life

Monday, January 9, 2017

What the %$%...Reiki All About?

Hello LightBeings!

Happy New Year & Welcome back to us!

We hope you are exploring & learning more for the 2017, enlightening your mind, body & soul.  We sure are, so much that we wanted to share with you one of our enlightening moments today called. the REIKI box.

No automatic alt text available.If you've read yesterday's blog article, you would have heard that we're taking classes on Reiki.

This profound healing art has been used many years by Egyptians, Japanese and Chinese, as well as India teachers and the practice still continues today.

We  begun our class back last November and have completed the first level of the certification that is both very information and enlightening!

Check out the awesome Reiki Boxes that are being displayed by us and from our friend on facebook.

The boxes are used to store your intentions.
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No automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available.There are so many different textures and styles of a REIKI box, we like them all! 

You simply fill your reiki box with positive energy & intentions, pray, and meditate daily.

Here's the jest of a reiki box:

Traditionally, a Reiki Box is, quite literally, a box. In it you place pieces of paper on which you write or draw situations (or “requests”) that you want energy to be sent to. This way, you establish an “energetic signature” for that situation, that you or Reiki can later connect to.

 Then, whenever you want, you just send Reiki to the box, intending that it goes to the situations identified by the pieces of paper in the box. This works very well, because the energy is guided by your intent. And when you added the requests, you intended that the healing you send to the box goes to them.

Using a physical box however is not really needed, because all that matters is your intent. You could also use a text file, a document, or a spreadsheet stored on your computer – and when sending Reiki intend that it goes to all the persons and situations mentioned in that file.

So now you know!  So go ahead Lightbeings and grab your favorite box & start your intentions for 2017! What are you waiting for?

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.
Creating a Better Life!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

2017: Where Are You Headed?

Happy New Year LightBeings!

We're sooooo happy you're back to read & share  with us our journey.

We are on a positive mission to enlighten & uplift self and others for 2017.  Are you ready???

Let's go! 

We're starting our new year with some growth & development.  Learn a new thing, explore a new place, take a class and open the possibilities of your mind, body & soul.  We're taking a Reiki class that was blessing given to us back in November.

We've completed the Level I course, with two additional levels before certification.  It's enlightening, and very informative to know what Reiki is all about:


Image result for reikiˈrākē/
  1. a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki helps the body to heal itself, and although practitioners do not heal, we are a vessel for those needing healing.  What a powerful tool to have and use for  2017.

We are also learning more about crystals. Our favorite teacher, and expert is Judy Hall, 
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An internationally known author, astrologer, psychic, healer and workshop leader, Judy Hall has been a karmic counsellor for over forty five years and is the author of the million-selling Crystal Bibles. 

Her books Crystal Prescriptions: the A-Z guide to healing crystals. the Encyclopedia of Crystals (are all-time favroite, a must have), and others are guides to learning more about crystals.

Travel to her site and learn

And last but not least we're in the preparation & planning stages of teaching a enrichment class at the library called "Crystal Connection" starting April 29th. 

So as you can see, we're off to a great start!  Go ahead and learn something, open your mind, body & soul!

of light & love,
nSeyah LLC.
Creating a Better Life