Saturday, December 9, 2017

2017...Closing Thoughts

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Hello Fellow Lightbeings,

We're just stopping by to share with  you our  thoughts, news and updates here with nSeyah.

Let's begin...

Our summer was hot, humid & very challenging to say the least.  We had an awesome planetary experience culminating in August with both a lunar eclipse 8/7 and a solar eclipse 8/21 that left a profound effects here on Earth. Take a look!

Image result for eclipse 8/7lunar     Image result for eclipse 8/20 solar

The light of the sun represents life and energy. The sun is most closely associated with the self, personality, and ego, and what it is that makes you unique. It's also been said to foster creative ability and provide people with the power to meet the challenges of everyday life. Many people believe that the rare occurrence of a solar eclipse has psychological effects on humans.There are reports of increased agitation, unusual dreams, sudden bursts of creativity, and even relationship difficulties during a solar eclipse.

How did you fare?

We were amazed with the viewing and enjoy the moment to witness such a great view.

Next, we became enlightened with our DNA imprints.

Did you know that you had an ancestral tree in the oldest part of your brain? And that its roots go deep down into the base of your spine? Anchored into your ‘sacred bone’. What is often referred to as ‘the reptilian brain’ may be the wisest part of us. It’s the part that controls vital yet unconscious physiological functions. The hindbrain coordinates activities that are fundamental to survival, including the respiratory rhythm, motor activity, sleep, and wakefulness, and chemical production.
No wonder detrimental patterns so easily get passed down the family line. They are literally built-in. Fortunately crystals can assist us in rebooting these programs. I’ve blogged before about karmic clearing, and mentioned the ancestral line but, for the last year, it has been ancestral healing that has been uppermost in my mind. Especially with the arrival of Ancestralite, Cradle of Life (Humankind) and the Freedom Stone in addition to Celtic Healer Quartz. Excellent stones for transmuting the past and sending revitalised energy out to future generations. The new book, out later in 2017, will share techniques for dissolving intergenerational trauma in greater detail, but if you can’t wait, see below for a quick, first aid method.
Not just physical DNA, it includes subtle energetic DNA and an energetic web encompassing past, present and future – and beyond. The ancestral line carries your family history. The beliefs, experiences, dramas, traumas, dominant emotions and assigned roles that stretch back into eternity. Lineage breakers incarnate to break the chain and start a new trend.

In conclusion, the imprints we have can make a difference.  Our souls have been around for eons in order for us to heal and grown on earth.  

How we leave our legacy, our blueprint is up to us, some leave with negative energy, while others bring light and love.

Which will you imprint us with?

We hope your 2017 ends with positive energy, love, peace & joy!

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

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