Sunday, June 3, 2018

June Is Here.....CONGRATS c/o '18

Greetings Lightbeings,

Happy June 2018

It came in stormy, as I blog to you this evening, we're  nevertheless  so grateful and thankful to be able to share with you some blogging news!

Our last blog we mentioned introducing a new collection line  for the truly-inspired healers, who bring light & love to all.  These specially handcrafted instruments we call wands, you may refer to them as staff, healing sticks, etc. are amazing.  We'll be sure to update you  on youTUBE, FB, and other media outlets  more dynamic images, and helpful tips on the purpose &  design. So be on the lookout coming soon!

Now, let’s get back to our blog at hand....

Are ya ready for the summer?

The summer solstice is fast approaching in a couple of weeks, its sure to bring fast pace excitement, a flurry of activities,  a laid-back schedule,, barbeque, cookouts, and fun.  How will you enjoy? 

Many of our grads  in schools, and  other educational opportunities  are graduating, and continuing to explore knowledge.  Class of 2018, congrats!!!

And  yes, we've just come off a full moon experience this past  month, May 30th  bringing a shift, a movement of change thats challenging to say the least.

Feeling unsure? wondering what is happening?  is there a shift? what’s the movement about?

Only each day  will reveal its authentic self. It’s up to us to capture, be grounded, and focus to live positively no matter what, and yes with love.

What's on the horizon....

We're looking forward to providing our creative work online for cleints, and customers.
Expanding a more efficient webstore, online presence,
Choosing a site for a building to do both reiki/crystal healings, and serve others.
and more!

at nSeyah, we've come to embraceour  traditional healing and the gifts it brings. 

First, a suitable definition for traditional healing, and I'll paraphrase as best as I can. Traditional healing uses a holistic approach to  heal versus cure a disease, by identifying the common denominator of what causesd, or  allows the disease to exist in our bodies. The mind, body & soul are all area that can fall under the deficiency of ill health.  

By moving towards rejuvenating healthy areas that incorporate a positive prognosis  coupled with herbal remedies, botany enhancements, and other sources that do not include chemical processing to enter and heal the body.

Traditional healers, a generic term for the many sage, wise, men and women who practice unconventional ways of healing  to others.  In a small way, these healers perform in various dimensions moments of miracles, helping and being the vessel for  all to heal.

Healing, is different from curing.  What's being cured?  bacon? swine, grapes? cheese? To cure implies a negative conotation of being not whole, not balanced, not being at peace with self.

Traditional healing, has an aspect of  natural validity to have a sound, total balance of mind, body & spirit..  With many different genres of civilization that brought their own gifts of  traditional heal  has transformed others. The ancient Chinese culture explores this theory of whole being with plants, energy, etc. for restoration.  Yet we find the western medicines prefers to dissect the ailment from the body, routinely examine in error, harsh  medicines for the body.  Almost like giving radiation along with the chemotherapy, which both are harmful  in itself to the body. Pick your lesser evil?

To understand another approach to healing has always been futile to seekers who express the need to heal with positive energy and sources.  We have no other recourse than to want to pursue other possibilities that will eliminate negative healing, potent and dangerous elements that destroy our natural energy.  It is for our mind, body and soul to be at total equilibrium with each other, anda daily consistently tendency to not put more harmful enzymes than what we already harbor.   Our synergy wants to flourish in a positive, healthy environment.

As a traditional healer, we promote holistic thoughts of healing.  Healing self on all levels while living on Earth is truly a dauntingg task and an experience like no other.

With environmental, physical factors causing so many underlying dysfunctions,  ailmets, problems, the traditional healer is now needed.

Wise traditional healers range from: the Alaskan native that uses herbs,  to Aztec-Mesopotamia  natives performing rituals.   Native American Indians use of elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit to elevate, and recalibrate the body. medicine of herbs and plants.  Egyptian goddesses/rulers helped to originate doctrines of healing emphasizing botany medicines from plants were peformed.   Chinese, Japanese, India theories of healing implemented relaxation tools, that align the whole mind, body & soul. And yet yoga, meditation, chakra/reiki techniques all round off the spectrum of healing concepts that encompass traditional healing methods. Across the continents, and throughout civilization here on earth traditional healers have been spoken about and sought after.  Today we only presented a partial glimpse and overview of essence of what we are exploring and bringing information to you about.  Nevertheless, we  hope you find all the details we have shared today  both positive and very beneficial.

As the summer season  bgins, continue to rejuvenate daily self.  Stay hydrated. Eliminate and remove fluoride from the body, an alkaline variant, water, etc,  must be achieved in order to attain well balance.  Now more than ever in our diet, habits, and  routines we stay rid of free radical cells, by destroying excess food, chemicals, and additives that stunt growth, harbor and bring additional negative energies that cause erosion, debris and bacteria not of the good kind.  

In conclusion, we will continue to bring our vision and insight as we see needed  to better, having a best version of self, at balance with self, growing, learning and being more enlightened.

Now sit back, watch some exciting stuff we've put together:

Or catch an instant sneak peek below. 

Have a  peaceful, happy & safe summer!

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

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