Tuesday, January 9, 2018

2018: Imprints Of You (part 2)

...move fwd!

Greetings fellow lightbeings & Happy New Year 2018!

We are sooooooooooo excited about the new year with all its splendid and grace it bears.

We had  to take this time to share how deeply grateful this platform  allows us to inspire and heal others.... as our calling has been honored.

2018 deemed to have some amazing shifts to happen, a few eclipses, full moons and significant tasks for us to embrace and do, as our purpose has been pronounced & we're steadfast in sharing with others, to help heal the earth!

Nothing compares to being in the now, living in this moment.

As we enter 2018, we at nSeyah are filled with much joy as to the possibilities it holds for new beginnings, new starts, and enlightenment.

Although we do not subscribe to resolutions , our goals are to be the best, heal and bring peace to others with positiveness in mind, body & soul. What's yours?

Let us start with ourselves and the miracles we possess, acknowledge your talents, skills, gifts, and share.

Our chosen path to become a healer was pronounced a few years ago, yet we did not embark upon this journey until recently. Its in our DNA!...

After some exploring, research and all we finally understood the concept of healing and how we could share our gifts to others.

A- accept

E- embrace

That what is to happen to you, will happen to you.  What has befallen upon you, you were meant to have befallen upon you.

We have created a covenant with self of things we must accomplish, whether you want to AEU is up to you.  But do note, that we all must accomplish them before we are able to get to a higher level on this plane and thereafter.

As we go throughout the next few months, we will bring to you positive statements, insights as to healing and we will look at a few healing arts that we have come to embrace.

It is the recognizing of our gifts as healing arts today, that we hope brings forth a better 2018.

Our healing gifts:

Crystals - involves placing gemstones on the body to draw out negative energy. Crystal healing is an alternative medical technique in which crystals and other stones are used to cure ailments and protect against disease.

Crystals can be used for the mind, body & soul to ease, bring relief, soothe, heal and restore physical pain, emotional hurt, improve mood, and most of all bring mindfulness to you that you're a living being that requires love, peace & joy.

Reiki - a spiritual healing art with its roots in Japanese origin. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice. It is not massage nor is it based on belief or suggestion. 

Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.

Reiki is not a cure all, nor can the practitioner heal any physical ailments, pains, disease, etc.  The client brings positive energy in so that the healer can channel a life force energy that can help with restoring and healing.  We all have this life force energy within us and we can use it to offset, recalibrate, and heal ourselves.

Phytotherapy - also known as Herbal Medicine.

Also called Herbalism (or herbal medicine or phytotherapy) is the study of botany and use of plants intended for medicinal purposes.

People have been using plants to treat illnesses for thousands of years. Phytotherapy was originally based on traditional medicine and experience handed down over generations.

Modern phytotherapy originated from the natural therapy practiced by our ancestors for thousands of years, but it has little to do with herbal teas and the like.

For thousands of years now, nearly all the peoples of the world have recognized and used the healing power of plants. Here are a few common herbal plants:
·         Dandelion
·         Ginger
·         Lavender
·         Rosemary
·         Cloves
·         Peppermint
·         Golden Seal
·         Yarrow and more!

There are many forms in which herbs can be administered, the most common of which is in the form of a liquid that is drunk by the patient—either an herbal tea or a (possibly diluted) plant extract.

Closely related to herbalism, phytotherapy is the intended medical use of plants and plant extracts for therapeutic purposes.

Native Americans medicinally used about 2,500 of the approximately 20,000 plant species that are native to North America to heal.

In conclusion, nSeyah hopes that this information brings positive energy and for you to have good health, wellbeing and mindfulness in mind, body & soul.

365 ways to raise your frequency tip:
Soul song...sing from your soul and the Universe sings with you!

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

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