Tuesday, January 9, 2018

January 2018: Crystal Enlightenment w/ Rose Quartz

Aprender a trabajar con cristales - pic0
Unconditionally You!

Greeting fellow Lightbeings,

Here's wishing you peace & prosperity as we enter our new year 2018!!!

At nSeyah we are so happy to be part of a mindfulness movement that inspiring others to live to the fullest potential and embrace the good life!

Lets get started we have so much to share.................

We'll be blogging about our healing gifts:

  • Reiki
  • Phytotherapy...herbal healing
  • and Crystals

We hope to bring to you information on all of the above, and especially spotlight a few of our favorites.

Each month we hope to raise your vibration by giving you tips that will motivate and inspire for a better life.

Our first crystal spotlight....

Rose Quartz
Image result for rose quartz

Rose Quartz:
Hardness: 7
Found in:  South Africa, USA, Brazil, Japan, India, and Germany
Chakra:  Heart, higher Heart
Number: 7
Zodiac Sign: Taurus, Libra
Planet: Venus
Benefits: Induce love, reduce tension, overcome trauma, sexual imbalances, grief, addiction, overcoming rape, Alzheimer, Parkinson's, senile dementia, chest, lungs, kidney, vertigo.

This stone  should be a staple, basic stone you should always have  in store.  We first got our rose quartz back a few years ago, and recognized the immediate change on our heart.  It not only brought a peacefulness, it also soothe and heal alot of love pain we were experiencing in our lives.
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It is said that the rose quarts is an unconditional stone for love and infinite peace.  It is the most important crystal for healing the heart and the heart chakra. It draws in love, support and restores trust and harmony.

It comforts grief, encourages forgiveness and acceptance, while reassuring and calming the body.  Strengthen empathy, and draws away negative energy.

Helps to heal a broken heart, and emotional distress.  

This  a high-vibration stone.

And there you have it!  2018 make sure you incorporate a rose quartz in your life, wearing or placing by your bed or in your relationship corner of the house it is enhances positive energy all the time.

Come back soon.....Next month in February we will spotlight Amethyst.  

Embrace the Good Life!

365 ways to raise your frequency tip:

Creative Visualization Generates a New Reality....What you visualize can manifest in your life. Think positive!

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

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