Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Its Happy Back 2 School!...August Eclipse & Fulll Moon 2018

Image result for traditional healing

Hello Fellow LightBeings!

& Happy Back to School 2018!

How's your August treating you? 
Image result for back to school
We know its been a NY minute since we last chatted and gave the 411 on things,  but we've had alot of happenings and transformation occuring.

Has anyone been feeling a little chaotic? feeling like life is shifting?, going through some challenging times?   Yeah, well join the club!!!

It started with the full moon & solar eclipse in July that was AWESOME.  And now in  August this last week we had the lunar partial eclipse come hit us with some more dynamic energy. Some changes and releasing of things that no longer served our greater good.   Were you ready for any of this? No, well note that things are changing, and whats down must go UP!

Image result for august lunar eclipse 2018We surely were not prepared for the dramatic shift, and changes we felt.  From releasing, letting go to things ending and coming to a close for most of us. We had to accept the challenges of life and the moon phases and solar dimensions as a period of adjustment.

We've been still very busy at trying to develop some new products, focusing on our crystals, reiki and phytotherapy skills that keep getting better and better as we learn and grow more! We hope to be launching something new on the horizon very soon -  please stay tuned!

Image result for traditional healingWe've started our herbal  development and learning the history of  the many plants and herbs that are used to heal our selves.  

It is amazing to see the many plants (botany) and herbal properties of cinnamon, basil, bay leaves, licorice, alfalfa, ginger, cayenne and more how they can help to relieve aches, pains, depression,  colds, soothe fever and more.  We're are starting to explore the oils, and many different remedies to heal as our gift to serve mankind.

Our Izinyanyas (our ancestors) all had the gift of healing.  The sangomas were divine oracles both men and women who were modern day doctors to many people in Africa, China, Latin America, Puerto Rico, etc.   They would often used traditional healing herbs and medicines to cure men and women of ailments and illnesses since no hospitals, doctors or nurses were living in their towns and areas that needed them.  The sangomas often were herbalists also known as Inyangas, as a shaman they perform many cures and reliefs for sick people around the world.

As a shaman we are blessed with the gift to heal, the outcome of our healing extends into: crystal healing, reiki healing also known as energy healing and yes, herbal medicine as known a phytotherapy.

Image result for traditional healingShamans embrace the positive and negative gifts within traditional healing as the doctor with their practice.  As a shaman the practice of using herbs, crystals, energy are all traditional and very ancient and have been used for thousands of years.  

shaman is a practitioner using indigenous spiritual practice such as: spiritualism, animism, faith healing and traditional medicine to heal others.

 Shaman reach altered states of consciousness by rituals that include using ayahuasca, mushrooms, peyote, tobacco, etc.  in order to perceive and interact with what they believe to be a spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world.  By doing this their raised vibrational energy allowing many patients to heal from ailments, and illnesses within the community.

Our next few blogs will go in depth on what shamans do, traditional healing, and our ancestors gifts of reiki, crystal and herbal remedies. 

We will explore the  the roles, properties, purpose and benefits as it relates to having a healthy equilibrium of mind, body & soul.  Traditional healing is relevant, and still very critical in its benefits here today.   Our ancestors from Africa and the New World of Americas  all accepted, embraced and understood the importance of traditional healing and how to attain tranquility and harmony.

And so, as we enjoy the month of August continue to explore, enlighten and learn how to balance your mind, body & soul with positive energy.

of light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

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