Monday, October 1, 2018

Fall '18: Reflect & Review...You Are the Temple!

Image result for sacred goddess
Hello Fellow Lightbeings!

Its almost that time fall back and get an extra hour of Zzzzzzzzzzzz! lol!

Image result for august full moon
We hope your Full Moon in August was sensational!  Ours was very well spent reflecting, reviewing and yes, RELEASING all that stuff that is not longer serving us. What's your release?

As we move towards fall and then the colder months.  Remember to prep and get those sacred items to keep you spiritually uplifted.  The winter months will be the time you utilize them the most!

Have you found some time to be reflective and relax?  Yes, we know its hard when you're juggling daily events, tending to action items, working, surviving and navigating your task.  But it is important that as the sunrise we meditate and center our being towards enlightenment.

And as the sunset, we also ground and meditate self and give thanks for your daily goals.  There is a quick gratitude trick we do during the sunset each evening.

Image result for palo santo
As we enter our home, we first remove the day's negativity from our being by either taking a soaking, warm bath or a bath salt shower to remove the toxins, and negative vibes we accumulate from the day.  We found that it very important to do this before we go on in our homes to cook, clean, study or rest.  By doing this it helps to remove the tension and stress we have had.

Next after the shower or the bath to cleanse, we find the appropriate color candle and light it for peace & serenity.  Take a few minutes to give thanks, console your heart, mind & body for the day's work you've accomplished.

We found that just by spending 10-15 minutes in meditation it came make a world of difference in how we treat our family and relax for the evening.

Smudging with palo santo or lighting your favorite HEM incense to inspire your positive thoughts can also be done while meditating.

The next thing we have found to do, just as the sun is about to set, we sit in front of our window, towards the sun rays and SMILE!

Yes, smile!

I know it sounds funny, but we have been doing this performance for a few years now and the results have made us more harmonious, gracious, serene, tranquil and humble. Something about smiling which gives a positive vibe and thankfulness to our Creator that we are blessed to do the things we do from the day.

So, as you conclude - don't forget this evening to  reflect & review and honor your temple by giving gratitude and SMILE!

light & love,

nSeyah, LLC.

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