Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fall Back ’18: Raisin’ Your Vibration!

Fall Back ’18: Raisin’ Your Vibration!

Greetings LightBeings & Happy Fall 2018!
You know every time around October & November  we must re set our clocks back in order to gain additional minutes in the day during this season.  Its known as “fall back” for daylight savings time. 
But did you know with gaining an extra hour to rest, relax & rejuvenate, we also should be improving & raisisng our vibrational (energy) level too?
Ok some call it vibrational level, some call it frequency level , and some just state:
“In the simplest of terms, raising your vibration involves making selfless, positive choices in your life by living through your heart. Everything boils down to energy, including vibration. When your positive energy rises, so does the vibration of every cell in your body.”

Wow,  that’s food huh?
Did you also know that you’re incarnated here to learn  lessons while fulfilling your soul contract. This may involve various karmic relationships which in turn, will present the opportunity to not only end the wheel of karma, but to raise your vibration as well.
Now we will do new blog on “soul contract”, coming up later on, but lets get back to the issue at hand.
Are you RYV? 
That’s - raising you vibration
“Everything in the Universe is energy and all energy exists at different levels of vibration and frequency, so planets and their inhabitants vibrate at different levels. Earth is a third dimensional planet with fourth and fifth dimension activity in progression. This means Earth's vibration is rising”.

In layman’s terms raising our vibration, really indicates having your energy being move  to stay positive, hopeful & optimistic despite setbacks, roadblocks, obstacles & challenges while living here on Earth.

Energy is our life force, and by maintaining a level of optimal  balance & health- the mind, body & soul can in fact have viibrational level raised!

What keeps us from raising our vibration?  Fear, anxiety, depression,  and sadness that we allow to remain in our selves.

“While everything in the universe is energy and all energy exists at different levels of vibration and frequency, so planets and their inhabitants vibrate at different levels.
Earth is a third dimensional planet with fourth and fifth dimension activity in progression”.

 This means Earth's vibration is rising. And yet we as human are not maintaining nor staying consistent at keeping our vibrational level up.

Many researchers found the human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be around 5 Hz. However, in recent years, an indirect method has been proposed which appears to increase the resonant frequency to approximately 10 Hz.
Fact Check:
The human brain range of a few Hz to 20 plus Hz. ( Check out  Alpha waves, Beta waves, Delta waves and Theta waves to describe the different brain state)
The heart beats  measured in Hz in which your heart beats 120 bpm, its beating at 2Hz.
The skin on humans  constantly radiates thermal radiation off their skin's surface, with a  frequency of ~1000Hz.
Your vision in which the human brain processes visual images at ~60Hz in brightly lit conditions.
Now we’ve given you the facts, here are some way to RYV:

1. Become conscious of your thoughts. Everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality. Think positive, optimistic thoughts
2. Find something beautiful and appreciate it. Touch, smell, taste, hear positive things.
3. Be conscious of the foods you eat. Eliminate bad foods, ingreideints, chemicals, processed meats, salts, sugars, flour that cause  the body harm & pain.
4.  This one is important…..Drink water!  Akaline, Distilled, Spring water all are benficial.
5.  And yes..Meditate.  5 or 15 mins daily can help
6.  Did you know showing gratitiude, being humble, staying grateful is key!
7. Practice acts of kindness, charity, helpfulness
8.  This one is fun….hug a tree!
9. Smile, a simple thing!
10. Hum and/or listen to music
11. Enjoy the sun for 5-10 minutes a day
12. Walk, excersise
13. And finally, take time to rest & relax daily.

nSeyah is creating a new collection line

called Kodo Fusion  which will debut in the coming months.
It can RYV to positive levels, restore & maintain love, compassion, peace & happiness especially during this season and the holiday months.

 What’s Kodo Fusion?
Its our premium incense blends that consist of traditional loose mixtures of exotic aromatic plants, woods & herbs from around the world. These fine ingreidents are traditionally used for meditative aid, emotional balance and upliftment, sharpening of the senses, heightening awareness, and creating a pleasant state of tranquility within. High quality aloeswood, wild-harvested frankincense and myrrh, benzoin resin, selected sandalwoods, lavender, cinnamon, sage  & more create a potent, well balanced, choice artisan incense for you to enjoy!

To enjoy our premium loose incense you’ll need:  our finest quality of loose incense- Kodo Fusion, a charcoal burner, charcoal tablet , and a well-ventilated space to enjoy hours of optimal balance, tranquility & harmony. 

So stay tuned, until next time when we hope to share more about the  making of our product, with a video & a sneek peek at the makings of Kodo Fusion.   Happy Fall! 

Light & love,   

nSeyah, LLC.

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